Country: Magyarország
My car: Chrysler Voyager 3 GS
Radio: EU-JY-UMS03N
I play music from a USB flash drive, and while the player resumes when I start the car, the USB driver seems to initialize too late, and instead of continuing in the same folder of MP3s, it treats all files on the drive as one big playlist. Is there any way to fix this, even by replacing the music player with another one?
Country: france
My car: 2013 VW Tiguan
Radio: EU-JY-VM130P2
Same issue on my unit, the media player always restarts in "global playlist" instead of resuming where it was, in the "folder" mode. Unfortunately the app is not developped by Joying, so there is very little chance we can see a fix...(remember, the chinese units are cheap compared to genuine products...)
Country: United Kingdom
My car: Range Rover 1998
Radio: UMS03N2
I use Poweramp music player. Not had any issues, but all my mp3 are on SD Card rather than USB